Thursday, January 25, 2007

The Red Kind

Chipped polish and hair-too-wild, I knew the slick veneer put on for a wedding this weekend wouldn’t last long. I have been fronting as an adult for dozens of months now and whom have I fooled?

Maybe a few employers, possibly an admission committee or two, I won’t exactly know until April for the latter.

Until then, it’s licorice for lunch (the red kind) by the warm emit of my desk lamp and texting under the table…nothing can keep my attention because today could be any day, and I could be anyone and anything.

And so I’m staring out glass panes; something that, if it were socially acceptable, I would call a pastime of mine. (No…er…I mean I like to read really hard books, clean my apartment and work out instead, yeah yeah, that’s what I would rather be doing…)

In another life I must have been a plant, maybe an orchid. Finicky, hardly ever thirsty, always longing for the shine beyond the window…

Uh oh. I’m overcome with bad poetic musings.

I truly am regressing. I better watch it before I end up waxing on about sideways rain, angst, and the scratchy dogma of Kurt Cobain…(and how I loved all of that once upon a time)...


Anonymous said...

I loved Kurt Cobain!

Anonymous said...

Orchids prefer low to medium light
:) -ts

ps- they could use some water.

K said...

Don't tell me that on top of being a cliche I'm botanically incorrect, too!

There is no shame to describe how I feel!


ThursdayNext said...

K, I love this post, its timely for me.

Frannie Farmer said...

I don't know when one actually does feel like a grown up. I am almost kissing 4-0 and ... nope still not a grown up!
Good post, as always.

Maria said...

When your young at heart.. do you ever grow up? I hope not!

It's my life's goal to always be young at heart...