Friday, March 10, 2006

Friday's Spring

I woke sleepy this morning. Rumpled, fuzzy, the remnants of a chest cold still very much present. Though Friday, I was weary and muted—long week, long winter. Scrambled work to do, homework to hastily complete, plans to be made…all looming cloudy from the pillow’s warmest spot.

Yellow reflections from the window glinted, a glare off of mirrored boxes atop my grandmother’s pot-bellied dresser.

In an effort to capture my elusive brush, I tossed sundries, lacquers, gold glosses, tints and creams aside. (All the markings of a polished girl, true, but she rarely exists in this room.) I drew a peek from the curtain, fingering the beige linen between my thumb and forefinger.

Outside: blue, bright, balmy. And projected at sixty-eight degrees by this afternoon, depending on whose estimate you believe.

I threw open, or as close to it as the unusually heavy weight allows, the door leading out of the apartment complex.

The distant chirp of birds, a thin film of dew, and that smell. Not garbage or shwarma or over-perfumed subway riders. Faint wisps of grass, morning light, and the promise of the day. Outside it smelled, just slight enough to catch, like spring had sprung.

Today is a day for springs in steps. Impromptu lunches, trashy novels in the park, walks home, cappuccinos, skipping down Fifth, white wine, sunglasses, biergartens, thinnest layers of the year, desserts.

This is Friday. And this is a day for a good mood. Today’s day is saturated sweet.


NotCarrie said...

I am not a fan of this warm weather but your list of things for today sounds splendid!

Adam Phillabaum said...

Its Friday. Sping is supposed to have come... but winter is still lingering. Just 40 minutes away in the moutains, another storm has dump almost 2 feet of snow (Am I going skiing tomorro?). There is also a storm in my head. Why did I drink so much last night? Did I remember to close my tab, and get my credit card back?

I wish reflecting to college, and not last night. I wish it were sunny today. I wish all I had to worry about was getting to that noon lecture.

Why did some jackass schedule a meeting for 7:30AM.

The Great and Might Os said...

Things to do a a beautiful, sunny Friday in early March:
(1) call boss and tell him you are too 'well' to come to work today
(2) drink a beer for breakfast...on the patio
(3) sit outside for lunch and have a bloody mary.....OK, have 3
(4) use the day away from the office to do laundry....oh fuck it, I'll go commando
(5) eat a hot dog in the park
(6) walk behind the girls in sundresses.... sometimes the wind blows them up
(7) start happy hour at 4 pm
(8) anything past this point doesn't matter....I'll be pretty drunk and won't remember anyway


Oob said...

The birds outside my window today sounded more like a rabid percussionist with a ratchet and a nasal, nagging housewif disguised as a crow. I grumbled, but enjoyed the simple fact that it's finally thawing out up here. Hope you get a chance to check some things off your list.

Will said...

It is Friday in NY and it is almost springtime. I hope it stays sunny on your side of the street.

Buffy said...

This winter seems longer than previous ones. It's cold. It's awful. The sky over my office has been filled with dark gloomy mushroom clouds all month. British winters sink into the bones.

Oh hurry on Spring!! Else I'm gonna have to move on.....some place warm.

LisaBinDaCity said...

What a glorious day, both yesterday and today! I am so loving it :-)

Thanks for visiting my blog - I'll be back!

punxxi said...

I came bounced in here from another blog,love your writing! I'm linking you if you don't mind.

Unknown said...

Ah, good post... I thought I'd feel the same way about London this week. Then it started to get really cold and wet. What a downer!

erin said...

Sounds much like it is here too, in spite of the fact that it snowed yesterday.